
My Stream


A beacon is a tiny piece of electronics that periodically emits a bluetooth signal. It is uniquely identified by a UUID (128-bit long number, or 32 hexadecimal symbols), and 2 integers called major and minor that can sometimes be read on the beacon itself.

You can register your beacons in your beacon library.

Manage your content

Once you have created your stream, you can use our content editor to design your own content. There are currently 3 components that you can use:

Each of those components receive a title and an icon.


You can choose to display contents as a table or as a collection in a directory content. You can rearrange the sub-contents in a directory content using drag & drop.

Simple Document

You can compose your document using the following components:

You can rearrange the various components of your document using drag & drop.
You can check a preview of what your content would look like on the phone on the top right part of your screen.


If you want to translate your content in another language, your must first add a new language to your stream. You should then see tabs for each language in the various contents you’re editing which allows you to provide an optional translation.
You don’t have to translate all your content if you don’t want to. If you’ve never translated a content, the default translation will be made available to users (english, or the first language you’ve set for your stream). Once you’ve translated a content, it will be made available to users in that language.

Tying beacons and contents

Once you have registered your beacons you can assign each one to one content using drag & drop.

When a beacon is assigned to a content, the mobile application will behave the following way: If you want to re-assign a beacon to some other content, you must first drag and drop it back to your beacon library to make it available. To let know other users that there’s some Granite Streams content, you can download some stickers to print and stick in the real world.


Once you have designed your content and assigned your beacons, click the deployment button to make your changes available to the mobile application.

Test with the Granite Streams mobile application

You can now make some tests with your beacon.

Public streams vs private streams

As long as your stream is private, one must provide your stream’s unique token in the settings of the Granite streams mobile application in order to be able to access your stream.
If a token is displayed at the bottom right of the screen, that means your stream is private.